Judith Butler’s conference on non-violence and equality in times of pandemic

We are delighted to invite you to the first season of the series “State of exception-exception of the State: conversations about the social revolt and the pandemic”, organized by the Centre of Studies of Applied Ethics (CEDEA) of the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad de Chile, supported by IIPSS. The first session will be on Monday 27th of July at 4pm, with the philosopher Judith Butler who will…

Seminar: Experimenting on Future Children: Responsible Innovation in Human Reproductive Technologies

El martes 10 de marzo la Profesora Catherine Mills presentó su investigación “Experimenting on future children: Responsible innovation in human reproductive technologies” (Experimentando en niños/as futuros: Innovación responsable en tecnologías reproductivas humanas) en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile

Otherwise than Political

Otherwise than political will bring together gather essays that explore the possibility that “politicity” may well exceed traditional political frameworks and resist being captured by current political forms. We seek work that lays bare claims that cannot be translated as links within a populist chain of equivalent demands, bodies that cannot be particularized and thus identified, actions that showcase the limits of our concept of political action.