Judith Butler: “Trump is emancipating unbridled hatred”

October 28, 2016 / By Die Zeit Photography: Judith Butler © Oliver Mehlis/dpa Interview: Rina Soloveitchik Where does all this reactionary populism come from? We spoke to philosopher Judith Butler about Donald Trump, Germany’s Willkommenskultur and radical democracy. ZEIT ONLINE: Why did you decide to write a book about public assemblies right now Judith Butler: I suppose I started to think about them during the Arab Spring when some debates…

Philosophical Perspectives on Critical Psychiatry: Challenges and Opportunities

29th Annual Meeting: Philosophical Perspectives on Critical Psychiatry: Challenges and
Opportunities, May 20-21, 2017

Call for Abstracts

Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry
San Diego, California

Critical Psychiatry is a wide-ranging movement that encompasses a highly varied, and possibly incommensurable, array of concepts, concerns, and activities.

Projects for 2016 of Latitudes

The projects for 2016 of Latitudes, the Latin American Research Group from Australia, are now available online, including the recordings of events carried out in the first semester, the launch of a new book and a project of digital archives. Seminars “Media Monopolies and political power in Latin America: The Argentine Case” and “Public Forum: political crisis in Brazil”. Also, new books on historical memory in South America.

Material and Concepts: working methods and theoretical relations of Walter Benjamin

Call for Papers. This workshop is interested in the relation between Benjamin’s work with different kinds of material and its conceptual articulation. The point of departure will be Benjamin’s working notes dealing with sociohistorical and political topics. Deadline: 1 October, 2016. The workshop will combine lectures (followed by Q&A) with a collective working method.

Otherwise than Political

Otherwise than political will bring together gather essays that explore the possibility that “politicity” may well exceed traditional political frameworks and resist being captured by current political forms. We seek work that lays bare claims that cannot be translated as links within a populist chain of equivalent demands, bodies that cannot be particularized and thus identified, actions that showcase the limits of our concept of political action.

Republicanism and Agonistic Democratic Theory

Call for Papers Pléyade. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 0718-655x / e-ISSN 0719-3696 Nº 20 July-December, 2017 Special Edition “Republicanism and Agonistic Democratic Theory” In recent decades, various theories have challenged what appears to be a hegemonic dominance of liberalism in at least three directions: economic, legal and the political dimension of the community. Among these, two stand out for the extent of their criticism.

Research Member published an article in Chungará, Journal of Chilean Anthropology

The text written in coauthorship with members of the Group of Research in the Social Sciences and Economics (GICSEC), exposes the results of a qualitative and exploratory study about the agrarian transformations and the water conflicts that have emerged in the last three decades between localities historically agricultural and large mining companies in northern Chile.