Symposium on democracy and inequalities will take place in Berlin
At the Ibero-American Institute, on February 13, the Symposium ‘The Challenges of Chile: Democracy and Inequality’ will take place.
This instance will open a dialogue on the analysis of public protest, social movements, social coexistence and democracy in contemporary Chile.
For the occasion, Dr. Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela, president of the International Institute for Philosophy and Social Studies (IIPSS) and professor of political science at the University of Concepción will be present. Cuevas will give the main conference, ‘Democracy, citizenship, and neoliberalism in Chile’, where he will address his latest research on citizenship in Chile.
Before this conference, the Symposium will have a discussion table composed by Andrea Catalina Silva Tapia, Ph.D. in Sociology from University of Humboldt and Lecturer at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany; Bettina Schorr, director of TrAndeS, the Postgraduate Program in Sustainable Development and Social Inequalities in the Andean Region; and Diego González, Ph.D. student in history at the Latin American Institute of Freie Universität Berlin.
Silva will present on ‘The ethnized citizenship of the Mapuches in Chile as illegitimate citizenship’. Schorr will do about ‘Unequal opportunities: companies and state in conflicts over mining in Chile’, and Gonzalez will pose the question ‘An organic democracy? Notions and problems of Catholic thought in Chile in the 1930s. ‘
The event is going to take place at the Ibero-American Institute, Potsdamer Straße 37, Berlin.
Following the Program:
14: 00-14: 15: Welcome Words
14: 15-16: 00: Discussion table (Andrea Silva, Bettina Schorr, and Diego González).
16: 00-16: 30: Coffee break
16: 30-17: 30: Dr. Hernán Cuevas Conference: ‘Democracy, citizenship and neoliberalism in Chile’.
17: 30-18: 00: Wine of honor