Marco Ensignia.

B.A. in History and Geography Education, USACH, M.A. in Anthropology, FLACSO-Ecuador. Since 2000, after receiving a grant from the Social Science Research Council, he has focused his research work on memory studies. Since 2001 he has been teaching in the field of Research Methodologies at the Universidad de Chile, Universidad Central and Universidad UNIACC. At the same time, he was a consultant on issues of Citizen Participation and Advanced Human Potential in the Division of Social Organizations, the Bicentennial Commission and the Ministry of Planning, institutions where he was also in charge of conducting training seminars and editing and publishing outreach documents. He has worked as a content advisor at the Museum of Memory and Human Rights and as a trainer in Memories and Transitional Justice at PRAIS. For the last nine years he has been dedicated to the training of civil servants from various public administration departments in Human Rights, Rights Approach, Gender Approach, Social Participation and Project Development, as well as quantitative and qualitative research on the status and impact of ministerial programs aimed at vulnerable groups. He is certified as an E-Learning Professor, after 11 years of teaching in the On-line modality at UNIACC University, in the subjects of Research Methodology, Seminars, and Research Methods, Degree Seminar and Professional Ethics, Social Communication and Law and Society, in addition to directing undergraduate and master’s theses. Between 2017 and 2020 he was Coordinator of the Right to Independent Living Program at the National Association of the Mentally Disabled. In 2015 he joined the International Institute for Philosophy and Social Studies as Director of the Memoirs Program, since 2019 he is its Vice President. He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Higher Education at UNIACC.