Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela. Researcher of the University of Concepción, Main Researcher for the Regular Fondecyt project “New studies of citizenship: history, transformations, space” (Nr. 1150788). Ph.D. in Analysis of Ideology and Speech by the Government Department of the University of Essex. He has written about social work, citizenship, political elites, identity, post-structuralist social and political theory, and discourse theories and analysis. He recently co-edited the volumes Ernesto Laclau: Obra e Historia Intelectual (Pléyade 16, 2015), El capitalismo en primer plano: tensiones del desarrollo latinoamericano (Política 54/2 2016) y Capitalismo del Sur Global: Landnahme, extractivismo y acumulación por desposesión en América Latina (Pléyade 18, 2016).