Gonzalo Díaz Letelier. Philosopher, he completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in Philosophy at the Universidad de Chile and is currently scholar in the PhD in Spanish Language and Literature Program, and teaching assistant of the Spanish Undergraduate Program, at the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences of the University of California Riverside, in the United States. In Chile, he has been academic of the Department of Philosophy at the College of Philosophy and Education of the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación; of the Department of Philosophy at the Institute of Humanities of the Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano; of the Department of Philosophy of the College of Humanities of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile; and of the Department of Philosophy at the College of Philosophy and Humanities and at the Baccalaureate Program of the Universidad de Chile. Associate researcher at the International Institute for Philosophy & Social Studies (IIPSS), he has been also a member of the Collective for Critical Studies on Biopolitics and Orientalism at the Center for Arab Studies of the College of Philosophy and Humanities of the Universidad de Chile, and visiting professor at the Department of Sociology at the College of Social Sciences of the Universidad de Chile and at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. He has been a visiting professor at the Universidad de Tacna, Peru.